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Linksys - BEFCMU10 Cable Modem

[code: BEFCMU10 Cable Modem]   [model: Modem BEFCMU10 ]   [weight: 10 KG] 


Linksys High-Speed Ethernet/USB DOCSIS 2.0 Cable Modem
Experience the savings of owning your own cable modem! The Linksys Cable Modem is the easiest and most affordable way to get a blazing fast connection to the Internet -- far faster than a dial-up, and without tying up your phone line. The "always on" connection eliminates dial-up wait time and busy signals. Web surfing and your e-mail are instantly available, anytime.

Installation is quick and simple. Connect it directly to any PC with an available USB or Ethernet port, and you’re ready to surf the Internet. Or connect it to a Linksys router and share that high-speed Internet access with everyone on your home network.

The Linksys Cable Modem is fully compliant with all industry standards -- DOCSIS 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 -- so you know it’ll work with any cable Internet service provider. With the Linksys Cable Modem, you'll avoid monthly rent charges, and make the most of your high-speed cable Internet connection.

Detailed Features


  • Standards:
    - DOCSIS 1.0
    - DOCSIS 1.1
    - DOCSIS 2.0
  • Protocol:
    - IEEE 802.3
    - IEEE 802.3u
    - USB 1.1
  • Ports:
    - Ethernet
    - USB
    - Cable
  • Buttons: Reset
  • Cable Type:
    - Cable: F-type female 75 ohm
    - Ethernet: 10/100 RJ-45 Port
    - USB: USB Type B Port
  • LED Indicators:
    - Power
    - Internet Cable
    - Internet Activity
    - Ethernet
    - USB


  • Own your own Cable Modem and avoid paying monthly rent
  • Easy installation - one phone call to your Internet service provider completes the setup
  • "Always on" connection eliminates dial-up wait times and busy signals
  • Up to 100 times faster than dial-up Internet connections


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